The jury’s choice was arrived at following ten days of declaration about how individuals from the sheriff’s and local groups of fire-fighters took and shared pictures of human remaining parts at the location of the accident on January 26, 2020, which killed Kobe Bryant and his girl Gianna Bryant.

Chris Chester Net Worth After Vanessa Bryant’s Photo Trial In His Favor Chris Chester is a dad who lost his little girl and spouse in a sad helicopter crash. On August 18, the crushed single man gave a statement in the Vanessa Bryant case.

He owned up to the jury that he stressed over the public seeing the stunning pictures taken at the location of the stream mishap “constantly, consistently.” In a government common activity brought by Kobe Bryant’s widow, Vanessa Bryant, Chester is a co-offended party. The claim guaranteed that Los Angeles County, a portion of its organizations, and a portion of its workers disregarded the offended parties’ protection and didn’t satisfactorily control the scattering of the pictures, causing them mental misery.

As per the most recent update for the situation, because of Los Angeles County’s inappropriate treatment of pictures from the helicopter crash that killed their life partners, a jury on Wednesday granted Vanessa Bryant and Christopher Chester a consolidated $31 million.

This has expanded Chris Chester’s total assets by folds. He has been marked as the affectionate local area individual from Kobe Bryant, which plainly expresses his high status as of now. His departed girl was an exceptional b-ball player, and they were going to a game when the occurrence occurred.

The jury provided Chester with an all out amount of $15 million, including $7.5 million for likely future torment and $1.5 million from the sheriff’s office for past misery. Chester got $1 million from the local group of fire-fighters for past agony and $5 million for future difficulty.

Chris Chester’s Wife Sarah and Daughter Payton Chester On the plane were Orange County occupants Sarah and Payton Chester.

In a report, St. Margaret’s Episcopal School affirmed the disclosure, expressing that Payton was an understudy there and that Sarah was an individual from the leading body of legal administrators. Payton played with Gianna on the Mamba Sports Academy young ladies ball crew, Kobe Bryant’s little girl.

Their tribute report read, “This is an inconceivable misfortune for the Chester family and the whole St. Margaret’s people group,” read the notice. “We are a local area in grieving. Our most prominent strength is the point at which our St. Margaret’s people group arranges with arms around each other, and this is one of those times.”

Chris Chester awarded $15 million.

— Nancy Dillon (@Nancy__Dillon) August 24, 2022

Chester reviewed Payton as a seriously exceptional b-ball player on her crew close by the Bryants’ girl Gianna. Furthermore, he guaranteed that all through the few days of the plane misfortune, he and his significant other Sarah verified that Payton would be taken to her b-ball game by Sarah while Chester would go to the twins’ lacrosse competition. He said a speedy farewell to his little girl and spouse the morning of the flight, not understanding it would be the last time he would see them.

Chris, who conceded to battling with despondency and going to liquor exorbitantly, asserted he settled on the choice to join Vanessa’s case since he needed to gain proficiency with reality. He wanted responsibility and equity. At the point when he covered Sarah and Payton, he said that we were dealing with the young men and believed that her should be with Payton until they met once more. This is quite possibly of the most shocking point the man made. He’s appreciative each day that he kissed Sarah and told her she adored her that morning.