Regardless of being an entertainer and maker, Chip’s wiki or bio has not been included on the authority page of Wikipedia yet. In the year 2014, he shows up as a cop in a Superbowl promotion that became a web sensation around then.

Chip Lane’s real age is 51 years of age. Moreover, he was born in the year 1969 and commends his birthday on the 30th of July consistently with his family, companions, and dearest ones according to amazon.

Path was born and filled in Athens, Georgia, United States of America. Along these lines, his ethnicity is American. Then, his nationality is Caucasian-American. His stature is 5 feet and 11 inches tall, however his weight is under audit.

Chip has not uncovered his better half’s information to the general population yet, as we were unable to get our hand on legitimate information. Similarly, he has not given any authority articulation about being involved with anybody or presently dating.

Discussing his family, he has kept his dad and mom’s information under the shadows, as we were unable to discover any. Path’s complete total assets is between $5 million to $10 million dollars. Yet, we could discover the variety of information on his total assets on the internet browsers.