Cruz purportedly went to Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Excessive College on February 14, 2018, conveying an AR-15 on the age of 19. He started terminating and attacking the school and students. Cruz, who evaded regulation implementation by masking himself as one of numerous understudies, was caught by police.

Specialists recognized that there was verification Cruz had demandingly conscious all the attack throughout the request that took on the occurrence. His inquiry authentic past uncovered that, sooner than to the bloodbath, he had respected into police reaction occasions and weaponry.

Cruz is heard depicting his goals to attack understudies on the school alongside his legitimately acquired AR-15 in films taken from his cellphone. Besides, at least one of numerous films on his cellphone was supposedly shot upon the arrival of the taking pictures.

The shooter perceived himself and professed to be “the resulting school shooter of 2018” in an unmistakable video. Cruz recognized that the taking pictures would “be an astounding event” subsequent to sorting out the scene.

Cruz referenced his pleasure to appear to be on the data after the episode in another video that was moreover performed. At the point when everyone sees him on the data, he’s heard saying, they’ll all remember him.

— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) September 14, 2022

Cruz’s computerized verifiable past and letters appear to help the films by exhibiting that he had been discussing the attack for quite a while. He respected up “AR-15,” “school shooters,” and “fighting methodologies.” The shooter had evidently explored before shootings, such in light of the fact that the Columbine bloodbath in 1999.

Whether Nikolas Cruz gets the downfall punishment or life in prison will not set in stone in that frame of mind of the persisting with paying attention to.